Canoeing is an exciting and adventurous sport and in common with all other water sports carries an element of risk.
Adults who participate in canoeing are assumed to understand and accept the risk involved and will be asked to sign a declaration to this effect when they become a member.
Children may only paddle with the Club with the permission of a parent or guardian who will be asked to sign a declaration to this effect when the child becomes a member. In addition you will need to complete and sign a Consent Form for every outdoor event.
All beginners and new members will be asked to swim 25m in the pool before they can paddle with the Club and experience paddlers will be asked to demonstrate capsize and self rescue.
Paddlers with medical conditions or allergies such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy that may affect their paddling are asked to declare them and to keep any necessary medication available at all times.
Except for official events and trips, the Club does not provide adult supervision for Under 18’s and they remain the responsibility of their parent or guardian at all times.